Black Shore - Prototype

Black Shore is a lovecraftian first-person adventure that lets the player explore a small village which has been taken over by an unknown force.
Role: Lead Programmer and Project Manager
Team Size: 9 Members
Engine: Unreal Engine 5
Production Time: 4 Months
Push & Pull - Protoype

Push & Pull is a physics based movement platformer that allows the player to move and solve environmental puzzles with his rubber like arms
Role: Solo project
Team Size: 1
Engine: Unreal Engine 5
Production Time: 4 Months
Ghost Hunters - Boardgame Protoype
Ghost Hunters is simple boardgame with focus on teaching its players how to navigate the digital world.
It has been specifically designed to welcome young players between between the age of 6-10, as well as their parents.
Role: Game Design, Design of corresponding companion app
Team Size: 5
Production Time: 3 Months
According to § 5 TMG
Julian Schlägel
Schiersteiner Straße 5
65187 Wiesbaden
Phone: 015168401320
Photos by Jakub Sisulak and Lorenzo Herrera