Gaming Speakers Day

A speaker event about the german games industry which has been organised and held in 2022.
My Tasks
– Developing a general concept
– Contacting companies and industry individuals
– Creating a schedule that fits all speakers
– Moderating the live event
Black Shore - Project Management

As the Project Manager for Black Shore, I led a team of nine through the ups and downs of simultaneous work. We turned challenges into opportunities, fostering teamwork. Each team member’s unique skills came together under my guidance, contributing to a project that aims to offer an enjoyable and unique gaming experience.
My Tasks
– Creating weekly Tasks for team members to complete
– Readjust scope during planing phases
– Bookkeeping
– Solving conflicts
– Organisation of sprint-meetings
According to § 5 TMG
Julian Schlägel
Schiersteiner Straße 5
65187 Wiesbaden
Phone: 015168401320
Photos by Jakub Sisulak and Lorenzo Herrera